tisdag 21 april 2009

Åh så härligt..

4-1 igår alltså. Domaren fick det till 3-1 iofs, rövansikte. Jag såg det från min mycket dåliga position på läktaren men domaren misslyckas kapitalt med att utföra det jobb han får betalt för. Jag borde gå SvFFs domarkurs. Hammarby!
Detta måste firas med att vi dyker ner i YouTube-arkivet än en gång.

Orginalet är av Tom Paxton, men det skiter jag i. Här framförs denna fantastiska låt av 2 Bajare, Magnus Carlson och Fred Åkerström!

Ever again the morning creeps across your shoulders
Through he frosted window pane the sun grows bolder
Your hair flows down your pillow, you're still sleeping

I think I'll wake you now and hold you
Tell you again the things I've told you
Behold I give you the morning
I give you the day

Through the waving curtain wall the sun comes streaming
Far behind your flickering eyelids, you're still dreaming
You're dreaming of the good times, and you're smiling

I think I'll wake you now and hold you
Tell you again the things I've told you
Behold I give you the morning
I give you the day

Close beneath the window cill the earth is humming
Like an eager Christmas child, the day is coming
Listen to the morning's song, it's singing

I think I'll wake you now and hold you
Tell you again the things I've told you
Behold I give you the morning
I give you the day

Like an antique ballroom fan your eyelids flutter
Sunlight streams across your eyes, trough open shutters
Now I think you're ready for the journey

I think I'll wake you now and hold you
Tell you again the things I've told you
Behold I give you the morning
I give you the day